storming out the door and you can't stop me
not because there's fear in my heart
but because there's no denying her call
i must follow the music in her voice
step by step, carefully heeding her call
footsteps quicken, heels barely meeting the ground
i must go, i must give myself to her
my eagerness, my ambition, my fire
she does not demand, she desires
she sees the best and inspires the chase
her name is obscured by most but i know
her as creativity, inspiration, mother
she is as a part of me, as i am her
i know her beck and call is never convenient
but it's always worth it to follow
because i am whole when we are together
my mother, my ethos, my agape
the enthusiasm and passion to which i live
no one understands me like she does
because she is i and i am her