colorful spectrums wave across the sky by Ellen Sorensen

colorful spectrums wave across the sky

anthems of celebration and resistance

under oppressive skies and a dull sun

voices join to sing the songs of freedom


do you hear her? the nightingale in the early evening

the voice of nature wistfully whistling to the moon

a call to arms, a rumbling march of passion

intelligently and intentionally formed


and i rise to meet the joyous choruses 

many years of past verses from the depths

"we will not be silenced. will we sing for freedom"

and with those generations, my soul resonates

cast me aside like a bruised fruit by Ellen Sorensen

cast me aside like a bruised fruit

walk over me till i'm flattened

the constant beat of your heel 

pressed into my spine, crushing bone


the whites of my eyes eclipse  

and in the black, an ember sparks

i drag my fingers through the coals

and paint my face with the fire


a warrior emerges from the soot and ash

unforgotten scars yield a determined mind

this is song of our ancestors, our forefathers

dissonant chords and heavy rhythms of grit and valor


[written to torito//rodrigo y gabriela]

i saw her again tonight by Ellen Sorensen

i saw her again tonight 

in the moments between sleepiness and slumber

striding through the dreamless mists of my mind

forests of satin swishing around her with no sound


"you are capable" she declared, "of all this and more."

and in that instant, she split open in two

bursting with tiny bubbles of blinding light

splaying out prismatic strobes that encompassed my entire vision


everything in my heart soared to meet this energy

like a time capsule being opened after many years

there, under the arches of that sacred space

unbound dreams and desires gave way to life

i thought i loved him once by Ellen Sorensen

i thought i loved him once

it was a surprise even to myself

when i realized my heart never broke


i cried when it was over

but i stopped when i discovered 

he was the one that lost


i kissed him under a sky full of fireworks

but there weren't any sparks

so i let him fade away


i just wanted to be friends

we were both free spirits

but he loved me and i broke his heart


i didn't want to fall in love

but opposites attracted at the right time

and i said yes to forever

flying high above by Ellen Sorensen

flying high above the tallest mountains

walking below the highest trees

and somewhere between all this

i lost my breath and closed my eyes


then the world opened its magic to me

and i saw the bright lights

eyes fluttered open wider than ever


here i am, a small sneeze

in the grandness of the universe


so this is how i'll begin

with visions of past, present, future

perspective in snow and sea

steady gaze ahead to that brilliant light

a fresh strain of power by Ellen Sorensen

a fresh strain of power pulses through her veins

she is unearthly, from some other realm

dust to dust, yet alive in this determination

and with sweet crescendo, she comes into focus

sweeping through the room, a sight to behold

i've never seen such commanding beauty

or been touched by such sheer strength

she looks beyond me, beyond everything

and in awe, i let her enlightenment drown me


[written to gretel//snarky puppy & metropole orkest]